
Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. Capítulo 0

Logo da saída falsa no primeiro Etrian Odyssey, decidín darlle un tento ó terceiro da saga. O meu equipo anterior estaba baseado un pouco nunha imaxe fantástica dos meus amigos, pero para este decidín preguntarlles directamente para que me suxeriran personaxes. Puxen este bloque que atopei por aí con todas as clases do xogo e preguntei por nome, clase, clase secundaria e se querían ir a fila de diante ou a de atrás:

Prince/Princess (Frontline and Rear) Support.
Those of royal blood from kingdoms large and small. Their orders raise moral to turn the tide in battle. (Supporting combatants on either line.)

Gladiator (Frontline) Damage.
Courageous and strong, they eschew armor to display their trained bodies and fight with swords and hammers. (Vigorous attackers of the front line.)

Hoplite (Frontline or Rear) Tank.
Their golden armor gives them unequalled defense, while their spears provide a strong offense. (Defense specialists on either line.)

Buccaneer (Frontline) Support+Damage.
These decendants of pirates learned to fight in gangs, supporting each other rather than dueling. (Cooperative attackers of the front line.)

Ninja (Frontline or Rear) Special+Damage.
They hide in shadows and use the art of ninpo, the advanced practice of which can create duplicates of oneself. (Special attackers who work on either line.)

Monk (Frontline or Rear) Healer+Damage.
With the power of qi, they can both heal and inflict wounds. Their bare hands are stronger than weapons. (Healing specialists on either line.)

Zodiac (Rear) Elemental Damage.
Scientific magicians who manipulate the etheric energy of the stars. Highly valuable in battle. (Elemental attackers of the backline.)

Wildling (Frontline or Rear) Specialist+Damage+Summoner
Their rapport with the beasts give them command over many animals. Some can even control lions. (Beastly summoners of the backline.)

Arbalist (Rear) Damage.
Experts in giant bows and cannons as big as they are, the fire-power they provide is a worthy asset. (Long-range attackers of the back line.)

Farmer (Rear) Specialist.
These farmers seek to apply their wisdom to navigate the Labyrinth despite their clumsiness in battle (Exploration specialists of the back line.)

Coas cinco respostas fixen un equipo e xoguei durante aproximadamente unha hora. Paseino ben pero fiquei algo perdido cando tocaba distribuír os puntos de habilidade, xa que non hai información suficiente dentro do xogo como para saber que impacto ten cada un. Por sorte, atopei esta aplicación que non só aparecen todas as habilidades cos seus números, senón que permite facer unha planificación. Non teño moi claro se o fixen ben, pero escollín as seguintes distribucións para cando cheguen ó nivel 20:

Homero Patacopoulos (diante)

Common Skills
* HP Up: 1/10

Main Class: Hoplite
* Guardian: 10/10
* Parry: 5/5
* Magic Parry: 5/5
* Provoke: 5/10

Sub Class: Farmer
* Harvestry: 1/5

Un tanque que debería levar os golpes.

Risi (diante)

Main Class: Wildling
* Beast Soul: 2/10
* Nature Pact: 1/10
* Wild Mastery: 7/10
* Dismiss Beast: 1/5
* Alertness: 1/5
* Call Owl: 4/10
* Call Cow: 10/10

Sub Class: Buccaneer
* Lady Luck: 1/10

Invoca a vaca de Patacopoulos. Agardo que non morra moito na fila de diante.

Chouquer (atrás)

Common Skills
* HP Up: 1/10
* TP Up: 1/10

Main Class: Zodiac
* Ether Mastery: 3/10
* Fire Mastery: 1/10
* Ice Mastery: 1/10
* Volt Mastery: 1/10
* Fire Star: 1/10
* Ice Star: 1/10
* Volt Star: 1/10

Sub Class: Prince
* Royal Veil: 5/10
* Triumphant Cry: 5/10
* Monarch March: 1/10
* Nobility Proof: 3/10
* Negotiation: 1/10

Un pouco de todo en maxia e curacións pasivas.

Patricia Akkah (atrás)

Common Skills
* HP Up: 1/10
* TP Up: 1/10

Main Class: Zodiac
* Ether Mastery: 10/10
* Fire Mastery: 1/10
* Fire Star: 1/10
* Dark Ether: 5/5

Sub Class: Arbalist
* Bolt Mastery: 5/10
* Fire Barrage: 1/10
* Ice Barrage: 1/10
* Volt Barrage: 1/10

Un único punto na estrella de lume até que poida aprender as cousas de disparar.

Ivan Rasputin (atrás)

Common Skills
* HP Up: 1/10
* TP Up: 1/10

Main Class: Monk
* Form Qi: 1/10
* Waking Chakra: 1/10
* Healing: 5/10
* Full Heal: 5/5
* Line Heal: 5/10
* Party Heal: 1/10
* Refresh: 2/10
* Unbind: 2/10
* Resurrect: 1/10

Sub Class: Ninja
* Senpuku: 1/10
* Tonsou Jutsu: 1/5

Curandeiro, basicamente.

Non teño moitas esperanzas en que este equipo funcione, pero xa veremos. De seguro que con paciencia podo superar calqueira desafío, e sempre existe a posibilidade de repartir os puntos outra vez pagando unha penalizacións de niveis. Tampouco virían mal algúns personaxes secundarios, por se a composición non me funciona. Se alguén ten interés, agradezo novas suxerencias nos comentarios desta entrada para o segundo comezo.